Returns PolicyUpdated a year ago
We understand that sometimes the fit or style might not be perfect. No worries! We're here to assist you with our hassle-free return process.
Find easy-to-follow instructions, along with any specific requirements, to make your return a breeze. We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase, and we're here to help in any way we can. Let's make sure you find the perfect match hassle-free!
Please go to our return portal and follow the steps.
Here is the direct link: Please note the conditions below:
0-21 days from purchase: refund (subject to restocking fee), gift card, or size exchange.
21-60 days from purchase: gift card or size exchange.
You will have three options to choose from:
1. Size / Color Exchange: Request a new size/colour of the same style (limit one exchange per order).
2. Request New Style: If you would like a different style, You must select the gift card option for the value of your initial purchase.
3. Refund: Available within 21 days of purchase. A restocking fee of $20+tax (1st pair) and $5+tax (additional pairs) applies. We will provide you with a Canada Post Return Label.
Once we receive your request, our return team takes approximately 2-3 business days to approve the request. Once approved, you will receive a Canada Post return label with instructions. Please note, that you are not charged for the return label right away, only when we actually receive and process the return.
*The return label covers 2 or fewer pairs of shoes. If returning 3 or more pairs, additional fees may apply.
All merchandise must be unworn. Any shoes returned with signs of wear or damage that may have occurred while in possession of the customer will prohibit your return. We can only accept returns that are in a resalable condition with the original box with no markings, tape etc. on the original shoe box. The shoes must be in "like new" condition. We do suggest packing the shoe box inside another box or poly bag as the original shoe box must be returned undamaged and postage-free.
Returns must include the original packaging in its original condition.
Important Notes:
- A refund can only be made to the payment method used on your order. If you placed your order using a gift card, a refund would apply to your original gift card.
- Lingerie-exempt items include: Clearance/Sale items, hosiery, stockings, panties, costumes, pasties and accessories (including wigs, shorts etc.) are considered final sale. All lingerie returns go through a thorough inspection for worn items, scents, perfumes etc. Please make sure the items are in their original new and unworn condition and that you have the complete original packaging, including tags, hangers etc.
Should you have any further concerns or questions about your return, please don't hesitate to give us a call, chat, or email us at [email protected]